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Cursillistas Tour This Week

As promised, we’re not only following shows that happen here in Portland, but also keeping an eye on our own local bands when they take to the road. This week, it’s the group at the center of the L’animaux Tryst collective: Cursillistas.

Cursillistas at After The Jump Fest 2008 in NYC

Catch the shape-shifting group of psychedellic folk experimentalists at around the Northeast this week, before they return home just in time for their alter-ego, Planets Around The Sun, to invoke the spirits in an opening slot for Indian Jewelry at SPACE.

9/11 – Vassar College w. LAU NAU / Poughkeepsie, NY
9/12 – WVKR Radio / Poughkeepsie, NY
9/12 – Bard College w. Ducktails / Annandale-On-Hudson, NY
9/13 – White Farmhouse / White Mountains, NH
9/14 – Ashen Eye May Honey Park w. Visitations & Psalms III / Portsmouth, NH
9/16 – SPACE (Planets Around The Sun) w. Indian Jewelry, MMOSS / Portland, ME

Reports from the road are always welcome here at Hilly Town, both from bands and fans who see them along the way!

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