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Tallahassee / Wesley Hartley & the Traveling Trees

Dust From 1000 Years / Jacob Battick / Cody McManus

South China / Micah Blue Smaldone / The Accident That Led Me To The World

Sandman / Senayit / Nima

Pearl And the Beard / Sontiago / Dilly Dilly / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

The Daredevil Christopher Wright / The Opposite Of A Train

lovefest w/ The David Wax Museum

Kelli Ruddick / Selbyville

Clara Berry / The David Yearwood Symposium

Emily Hope Price / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

Winter Solstice Photos [11.20.09]

In what has become a regular event (in terms of solstice and equinox), Planets Around The Sun organized a Winter Solstice celebration on November 20th at the Hogfarm Studios Annex in Biddeford, Maine with performances by Tin Ceilings and others, with food served in between acts. The Pine Haven and DoorYard folks helped set […]

Winter Solstice Love-In: Planets Around The Sun / Tempera / Prisma / Hersey State / Tin Ceilings / Computer At Sea / Crank Sturgeon

Olas! flamenco music w/ Chriss Sutherland

Brown Bird European Tour Fundraiser! Brown Bird / The Honey Clouds / The Plains

Loop 243 / Garth Stevenson