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Inside the Apohadion (new venue!)


Last night marked the debut of a new venue in Portland. The Apohadion is a brand-new performance space located at 107 Hanover Street, in the space otherwise known at Fort Awesome, Pat Corrigan and Dave Noyes’ studio. Jon Donnell was there and got some great shots of the new space and the three bands that christened it: Tempera, Wolf Larsen (which we got a bit of a preview of last Friday), and Gay Camp (feat. members of Planets Around The Sun/Cursillistas/White Light, Visitations/A.M. Frank, and The Orchards). Check out all of Jon’s photos from this show here.

So just what is the Apohadion? Well, Portland’s only subterranean theater, of course! For an introduction, check out Pat Corrigan’s comics from The Bollard: June 1, 2007 sheds some light on the back story, and the December 6th comic revisits the name, but just piles some mystery on top. I can’t wait to see the venue myself and find out what they have coming up.

6 comments to Inside the Apohadion (new venue!)

  • Mike C.

    Ah, this was the other show Gay Camp was playing. I ran into them sunday and they mentioned a show at prime which I, and about 20+ other people showed up for and which they subsequently bailed on. Bummer.

  • […] According to, El Jezel will be playing with Phantom Buffalo and Metal Feathers at Apohadion located at 107 Hanover Street, […]

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  • […] acts. Port City Music Hall for the mid-range national acts of all sorts (indie, jam band, hip-hop). The Apohadion for the smaller, weirder stuff – it’s a DIY venue that doesn’t spread the word […]

  • d. costello

    very cool

  • […] I awoke to an amazing breakfast of egg and mushroom burritos, courtesy of Terry and Sarah. I didn’t have far to go that Sunday, so we all lazed around for a while, and I noodled on Terry’s Stratocaster while he burned me a bunch of mix CDs. When it was finally time to go, the weather had changed quite a bit from the previous day… it was grey, cold and rainy outside, and I took a quick detour through Putnam and Woodstock, trying to recognize some of the backroads of my youth. I made my way to Maine, where I was to play at a new theater-style venue called The Apohadion. […]

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