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This site takes its name from the song “A Hilly Town” by the band Phantom Buffalo. is a music blog that began with the mission of providing accurate and interesting music event listings for Portland, Maine. We have since expanded to include select events from other areas in Maine. The focus is on local and nationally touring indie rock acts, but many other genres and types of events may be included, considering the wide variety of entertainment options here in Portland and throughout Maine. General arts and pop culture events also find their way into the site, from film screenings to performances and art exhibits, especially those pertaining to music.

In March 2010, was voted the Best Blog by readers of the Portland Phoenix. Thanks!

HillyTown Presents was a concert series curated, booked, and promoted by Venues and frequency of events vary. Like our event listings and blog posts, the goal was to present the music that we’re excited about to our readers. In NYC, we worked with a group of like-minded music bloggers under the WHAT BLOG?! umbrella.

Big thanks to Dan Coulter and his Gig Calendar plugin for WordPress, which made the show listings possible. Special thanks to Rob Korobkin from level8 Design Studio for modifying the plugin and creating the Gig Adder plugin, which allowed bands and promoters to easily submit their listings for consideration on the site.

Previously, HillyTown has thrown boat parties, curated a Treble Treble compilation, booked bands and DJs for PICNIC, and been involved in a reading series.

Unless otherwise attributed, all photos and posts are by Bryan Bruchman and not to be reproduced elsewhere without permission.

Start here if you’d like to see some of what we did.