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o’death and Brown Bird Sold Out SPACE [1.27.12]

On Friday night, o’death returned to SPACE Gallery for a sold out show with Brown Bird and if and it. Brown Bird will be back in the area on February 18 with a show at The Oak + The Ax in Biddeford (which is run by Greg from o’death) before heading down to Texas […]

Paige Turner / Cuss / USA Waste / Huak / Heavy Breathing

HillyTown Presents in Brooklyn This Week!

We’re at it again. This Tuesday, A Severe Joy will be in Brooklyn to play one of our shows, this time with an emphasis on the electronic pop/dance genres. This one is going to be great. Flyer and info below:

A Severe Joy – Facebook / Twitter / Bandcamp

Mitten – Facebook […]

M. Ward / Lee Renaldo Band

Tonstartssbandht / Run DMT

The Toughcats/The Milkman\’s Union/Nat Baldwin

The 48 Hour Music Fest

Jonny Corndawg

Valentine\\\’s MOD

Jenny Owen Youngs / Aunt Martha

Brown Bird + o’death Ticket Contest

Update: Congrats to our contest winner Dorson P. and thanks to everybody who entered! Enjoy the show!

OH HEY. We meant to do this when we posted the Brown Bird interview yesterday, but it got lost in the shuffle. Want to go to the show at SPACE on Friday? Email with the subject line […]

A Robot/WPC Presents: Pretty and Nice / A Severe Joy / When Particles Collide / Yes We Kin

Ducky Boys / Pinkerton Thugs / Hudson Falcons / Lenny Lashley\’s Gang of One

Bubonic Bear / Banned Books / Ultra//Negative

Brzowski / ICEBOX