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Camden Film Festival This Weekend

I’m heading up to the Midcoast for the weekend for the Camden International Film Festival. If you’re attending, say hi – I’ll be running around to all the screenings and parties as the official photographer for the festival. For those of you sticking around Portland for the next few days, you’ve certainly got your […]

4th Annual Hill ‘n the ‘Ville Photo Recap

Another photo gallery! This time it’s from the annual Hill ‘n the ‘Ville festival in Waterville, held in collaboration with Colby College‘s Student Government Association on Saturday, September 11th (the same day as the SPACE Gallery Block Party in Portland). Read on for photos of Rustic Overtones, Ryan Montbleau Band, and Adam Ezra Group […]

American Folk Festival Photo Recap

I figure a one month turnaround is a pretty reasonable schedule for photos, right? Actually, HillyTown photographer Conall O’Brien got the photos in much sooner, but I’ve been too caught up in all this CMJ excitement that I didn’t get around to posting these shots from the American Folk Festival. The event went down […]

Eugene Robinson of Oxbow / AoK Suicide Forest / Hessian / Johnny Cremains

The Luxembourgs

Jesse Pilgrim / Good Kids Sprouting Horns / Kingsley Flood

No more LL in Portland

Normally I’d just post this elsewhere (like on my personal Tumblr) but since it’s in the middle of the Arts District and nearby so many Portland venues, it seems relevent. Today they removed the sign and fully shut down the L.L. Bean Outlet Portland. It’s quite a bit retail space – any guesses or […]

Portland, ME – 2010-09-24

CMJ Announcements! Portland Showcase + Day Party + Compilation

I told you I had some news coming. Let’s start with the first ever (that I’ve heard of) Portland, Maine Official CMJ Music Marathon Showcase.

Featuring 7 bands from Maine (and involved in the Portland scene), this showcase will take place on Saturday, October 23rd at Trash Bar (256 Grand St.) in the Williamsburg […]

The Molenes [cd release] / The Coming Grass / Amanda Gervasi

Melissa Auf Der Maur

Miss Fairchild

Murcielago / Jack Tar / Armstrong

SPACE Halloween Party: Dead Man\’s Clothes (Joy Division) / Marie Stella (Blondie) / Astronautalis (the Clash)

\”Farewell For Now, Lady Lamb\” Lady Lamb The Beekeeper / Pearl And The Beard / Jacob Augustine / Panda Bandits