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Photos: Ye + Haru Bangs + Batshelter

Last night at the ever-surreal Bubba’s Sulky Lounge, Ye, Batshelter, and Haru Bangs got the Halloween weekend started properly with a headbanging and boot-licking-inducing set. Check out the photo gallery here!

Looking for fun tonight? Obviously there are tons of parties around town – check out your favorite venue/bar for some sort of awesomeness […]

Pillars and Tongues / Tin Ceilings / Tempera / Anti-Friend Hut

Tiny Fires / Plains / Hersey State

Layne Garrett / Id M Theftable / Crank Sturgeon

Lovewhip (cd release) / Dreamosaic / Whitehouse On Trial

NEEDTOBREATHE / Jacob Augustine / Marie Moreshead

Aubin\’s Birthday: Aubin Thomas / Huak / Wood Burning Cat

Nana Grizol / Dead Man\’s Clothes / The Land of Dreams / Wyatt Shibley

Indie Rock Puppet Theater

On Friday, Dylan Metrano will bring his new book about the first decade of his band Tiger Saw, All My Friends Are Right Here With Me, and the corresponding tour to Portland with a free, all ages show at SPACE Gallery. The book comes with a cd with 13 tracks featuring other artists covering the […]

Batshelter / Ye / Haru Bangs

J. Tillman / Pearly Gate Music / Micah Blue Smaldone

SPACE and We Push Buttons present: El Ten Eleven with Arms and Sleepers (CD Release) and Atomik

Pants Yell! / Windy Smiles / Thithy Bwown

An Evening With / The No. 9 / and Greg Lyon

The Mumlers / Lady Lamb the Beekeeper / The Milkman\\\’s Union