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stephaniesid / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

Erick Glocker (cd release) / The Windfalls

White Light / Cursillistas / Cloud Buster / Mystery? / Dust From 1000 Years

Words And Images Release Party: Huak / Marie Stella / The Scrapes

Whitehouse On Trial / Dreamosaic

Th’ Mole / The Scrapes / One L / Guala

The Rattlesnakes / The Dirty Secrets

Moneycastasia / Qualms / Harubangs / Piles

Pink Mountaintops

Secret Chiefs 3 / Kayo Dot

Honey Clouds (cd release) / Gully / The Rattlesnakes

Strange Famous Showcase: B Dolan / Prayers for Atheists / Prolyphic / Alias / Sage Francis

PERFORMANCE: Lost for Words

Found Magazine presents “Requiem for a Paper Bag”

Ocean / Pontiak / Batshelter