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All Night Chemist / Pinsky / An Army Of Squirrels

NYE: Covered In Bees

Dead End Armory (acoustic)

Planets Around the Sun / Moneycastasia

Rattlesnakes / Witches / A Primitive & Savage Land

An Evening With / The McCarthy’s

Kira Kira / Dygn /

Christmas On Mars: A Fantastical Film Freakout Featuring the Flaming Lips

Loverless and Dominic and the Lucid’s SUNSHINE PARTY


tarpigh CD Release Party / lots of musicians…

New Fire On Fire Track

Returning about a year after the fact to the South Portland band they put in the spotlight with a feature once before, NY-based music blog Stereogum has a brand new recording from Fire On Fire available here. The song is called “Hartford Blues” and takes their hypnotic out-folk sounds in a more upbeat and […]

This Band Has Buzz

Most of the time my task of entering bands’ shows into the Hillytown calendar only takes a few minutes, as many of the bands around Portland rarely have more than one or two shows coming up at any given time (obviously we’re talking about the original bands, not the cover bands, who seem to […]

DraculaZombieUSA: Yankee Ingenuity / Feel It Robot / Jerk Off Jack Off Frig Face / Miss Amanda Jones