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HillyTown on WMPG today!

I’ll be stopping by WMPG today as a guest on Liberation By Sound with DJ Roy. We’ll be playing selections from  bands (both local and national) with upcoming shows in Portland. Some jams from Brooklyn bands are likely too! Listen in from 3-5pm today!

While you’re waiting for the show to start, why not check out the new video for Lady Lamb The Beekeeper‘s song “Antique Shop” which they just finished today? Watch it!

Also, check out a few photos from Bruce Fest!

1 comment to HillyTown on WMPG today!

  • Roy

    Who is this Dj Roy? he sounds like some commie bastard. Why does he have to pick on Sarah Palin like that?

    In all seriousness, I heard Andrew Bird is playing in Portsmouth next week. Attention all music promoters in Portland -let’s bum rush that show, take Andrew by force and get him to play in Portland instead.

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