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HillyTown Presents: July 29 at Mayo Street Arts

New show announcement!

On Friday, July 29, HillyTown Presents if and it + Beat Radio (NYC) + The Farthest Forests at Mayo Street Arts [10 Mayo Street, Portland, ME]. Doors 7:30pm, music 8:00pm, all ages, $5.

Headliners if and it have been making a name for themselves at just about every venue in Portland (we just saw them at Flask and you can catch them opening for Josiah Wolf at SPACE on June 26 for a taste of what to expect). Beat Radio are yet another great NYC-based band that we’ve been eager to get to Maine. Songwriter Brian Sendrowitz crafts lo-fi indie pop anthems that will creep inside your head and stay with you. The Farthest Forests, a folkish duo from Eliot, ME will open the night.

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