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HillyTown Presents: OFFStage @SPACE. Tuesdays In July!

Here we are, friends. Another year of HillyTown has gone by and it’s time for another party! Last year, it was 4 Wednesdays in August. This time around, it’ll be 3 Tuesdays in July. Mark your calendars now! All of these shows will be happening at SPACE Gallery [538 Congress St., Portland] and include 3 bands playing on the floor starting at 7pm. All ages, suggested donation of $5 to pay promotion costs and traveling bands. More details and fun to be announced in the coming weeks…

Tuesday, July 13
Miniboone (NYC) + Domino Harvey (formerly Lapsed Axis) + Same Basic Bear

Tuesday, July 20
Balthrop, Alabama (NYC, AL) + Doomstar! (Cambridge, MA) + Good Kids Sprouting Horns (Bangor, ME)

Tuesday, July 27
Charles Burst (Brooklyn, NY) + Old Man Forest (Lewiston, ME) + Foam Castles

I am still looking for artists to design two of these posters, so please get in touch (hello -at- hillytown) if interested!

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