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Kurt Baker’s Got You Covered

DJ Kurt Baker

Yesterday, local man-about-town Kurt Baker (The Leftovers, Goodnight Process) unveiled the album art (by our pal Robbie Kanner) and a stream of the first track from his upcoming covers album, Got It Covered. Check out “Cruel To Be Kind” below.

Get more info on this album at Oglio Records.

3 comments to Kurt Baker’s Got You Covered

  • […] Rock Club’s anti-cover policy – and mentioned that I’d be curious to hear from Kurt Baker (who is about to release an all-covers record – and today the Daily Sun has an article […]

  • Sheila Emple

    Loved your show at Space last night. It was amazing. Elvis Costello would have been prooud that you choose one of his songs. (seen him). I’ve seen almost everyone who has played in Portland since the late 70s including the Down town Lounge era. Without reservation, you are the most dynamic entertainer. Keep it going!

  • Kurt Baker

    Thank you so much Sheila! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and had a good time! 🙂

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