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Photo Recap: Pete Yorn + Alberta Cross [11.2.09 @ PCMH]

On Monday, Pete Yorn played Port City Music Hall along with Brooklyn-based openers Alberta Cross. Yorn’s tambourine man/merch guy/party starting pal Max has the setlist from the show up on their tour blog. Actually, his contributions in the form of exuberant tambo-jangling were my favorite parts of the headlining act’s set, but unfortunately they didn’t really fall within the first-three songs photography restrictions so you’ll just have to enjoy the blurry photo of him at the merch table, behind his tip jar. An interesting phenomenon occurred at this show: the VIP tickets sold out, but general tickets did not. I guess some performers just have more of a table-service-and-unobscured-sight-lines crowd than others?

Read on for a full photo gallery!

Coming up over the next week, three incredible shows at PCMH: Amanda Palmer, Metric, and Minus The Bear!

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