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Deer Tick Photo Recap [5.11.11]

Deer Tick are one of those bands I associate with late nights, mixing whiskey with beer (this is not necessarily a recommendation), and wild afterparties, so it seemed a bit unnatural to show up at 6pm for a show they were headlining at Port City Music Hall. Openers (and fellow Providence band) Joe Fletcher & the Wrong Reasons opened the show and kept the considerable audience satisfied while we all waited for Deer Tick to arrive. They finally did and put on a strong show, much tighter than the hot sloppy mess witnessed back when they hit SPACE with Those Darlins last year. Admittedly, I was hoping we might be treated to a bit of the Deervana spectacle that Deer Tick have been pulling off recently, but a more-sober-than-usual show of solid original songs did just fine. Read on for photos!

Photos by Erika Johnson and Bryan Bruchman.

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