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Spose Photo Recap [4.23.11]

Once again, Maine rapper Spose brought his party to Port City Music Hall. The PDank Presents show also featured Cam Groves (who was the other half of the team behind the free 4/20 release We Smoked It All 2) and Educated Advocates. Read on for a full gallery from the gig by David Zwickerhill! […]

Lyrics Born w/ Educated Advocates at Port City Music Hall 2.3.11

Review and photos by David Zwickerhill

Thursday (2/3/11) night’s hip hop show at Port City Music Hall was not one to have missed. From a solid performance by the openers, local trio Educated Advocates, to the frenetic energy of California rapper Lyrics Born, it was a barn burner from end to end. Lyrics Born […]