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Scratchpad Reading Series 8 Is Coming!

This Tuesday at Mama’s Crow Bar on Munjoy Hill, Scratchpad returns with 5 readers for your enjoyment. Details here.

HillyTown Presented: Scratchpad #7

This week, we picked up the Scratchpad Reading Series torch, presenting the 7th iteration of the Mama’s Crowbar-hosted prose shindig on Tuesday, August 23rd. Check out the recap and photos here.

HillyTown Presents: Scratchpad #7

Next Tuesday, August 27, HillyTown picks up the Scratchpad Reading Series at Mama’s Crowbar on Munjoy Hill in Portland. Details here.

Scratchpad Reading Series #4

Mama’s Crow Bar Gets Signed, Scratchpad #2 Announced

The other day I noticed that the confusion-inducing Awful Annie’s sign above 189 Congress Street has finally been replaced with the bar’s current name: Mama’s Crow Bar. This is great news, as it’s been difficult to make sure that people know what bar you’re talking about, depending on the name they know it by […]

Tonight At Mama’s Crowbar: Scratchpad!

Fans of words, stories, and beer: listen up! Tonight marks the first in the monthly Scratchpad Reading Series at Mama’s Crowbar (which you probably still refer to as Awful Annie’s) on Munjoy Hill in Portland. Check out the lineup here and come out at 7pm for the inaugural event (and take home a limited edition […]