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HillyTown Presents This Week: Metal/Punk Tuesday + Indie Rock Saturday!

This week we’re bringing you two very different, very excellent shows in Southern Maine. Tuesday in Portland we have three bands with overlapping bits of metal, punk, hardcore, and even a bit of sludge, then Saturday in Biddeford things get upbeat, quirky, and even more fun. We’re excited to be welcoming back Goes Cube and Miniboone, both of whom we’ve done shows in Maine with in the past. Hang tight for the next week after these, when we take a turn for the dancey/electronic with Project Jenny, Project Jan (yet another one of our favorite Brooklyn bands)!

Tuesday, May 10 @ SPACE Gallery [Portland, ME]
Goes Cube [Brooklyn, NY] + WarAnimal + Huak
$8 18+ doors 8pm, music 8:30pm [buy tickets]

Saturday, May 14 @ The Oak + The Ax [Biddeford, ME]
Miniboone [Brooklyn, NY] + Theodore Treehouse + When Particles Collide[Bangor, ME]
$7 all ages 8pm

Miniboone at SXSW 2011 in Austin, TX

Miniboone at SXSW 2011 in Austin, TX

Read on for a sampling of videos and music from the bands playing these two shows!

Goes Cube




When Particles Collide

Theodore Treehouse

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