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HillyTown Presents in Brooklyn This Week!

We’re at it again. This Tuesday, A Severe Joy will be in Brooklyn to play one of our shows, this time with an emphasis on the electronic pop/dance genres. This one is going to be great. Flyer and info below:

A Severe Joy – Facebook / Twitter / Bandcamp

Mitten – Facebook / Twitter / Bandcamp

Genghis Hans – Facebook / Twitter / Bandcamp

DJ Poingly – Facebook / Twitter / Bandcamp

Doors at 8:30, cover is just $7. Union Hall is at 702 Union Street in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklkyn, NY. Get advance tickets here! We currently have one more show at the venue, coming up on February 22, featuring Great Western Plain with Brooklyn locals Shark? and Field Mouse (who just premiered a new video on Stereogum).

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