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We Haven’t Forgotten About Maine.

We’ve been spending a lot of time talking about Maine bands coming to Brooklyn (and helping to make that happen when we can) but it’s time to get back to the source. In April and May, HillyTown Presents a week worth of exciting events in the state where it all started. We’ve got an Arbor Day party at an as-of-yet-undisclosed-location in Portland, a Free Range Fest Afterparty in Belfast, four days of very different shows at some of our favorite Portland venues, and to cap it off, a DJ set at an art opening at Pinecone+Chickadee. We’re looking forward to a week of fun with you all. Check out the flyer below to see what we’ve got on the way, and check back for details on all of these show (some of which still have acts to be added to them).


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