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Movies To Watch, Art To See.

It’s First Friday in Portland again! Lots of fun happening around town to be enjoyed. Let’s start with two unique movie experiences:

1. The Apohadion hosts the Portland premier of Harmony Korine’s weirdo film, Trash Humpers. That’s $6, starts at 8:30pm, 107 Hanover Street in Bayside.

2. Rogues Gallery gets in on the film screening action with a free “Bike-In Movie Series” showing of Jim Jarmusch’s Dead Man along with the animated short Bonefeather. Refreshments will be available (including a popcorn cart, for those of us who know that food served on wheels is always better) and it also starts at 8:30pm.

There’s plenty of art to be found – as always a complete guide can be found here. I’m (not surprisingly) particularly excited about the opening of Some. Things. Curious. at SPACE Gallery. If you like a little music with your art, head to Sanctuary at at 31 Forest Ave around 6pm for a rare performance by Hi Tiger, the Portland-based band led by Derek Jackson, whose show “BEFORE THE DAYS WHEN NEGRO MUSICIANS WERE THE FASHION IN MONTMARTRE” will be on display. The work is described as “exploring themes of obsession, denial and regret. Lyrics from the song ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart‘ by the post-punk band Joy Division are combined with actual text messages between estranged lovers and juxtaposed with self portraits of the artist performing deconstructed rituals of romantic obsession.” Yeah, check that one out.

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