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Lady Lamb and The Milkman’s Union Played Brooklyn [12.15.11]

Noticing a theme here? On Wednesday, December 15, Lady Lamb and The Milkman’s Union (who have been recording together in Brooklyn) kicked off a brief tour at Union Hall in Park Slope along with their local pals Cuddle Magic. All just a couple days before Brenda hit the borough to play a diy show. The show at Union Hall actually wasn’t our doing at all, despite the fact that there are THREE HillyTown Presents shows coming up at that venue, bringing Maine acts to Brooklyn: Jan. 12 w/ Butcher Boy, Jan. 31 w/ A Severe Joy, and Feb. 22 w/ Great Western Plain. Spread the word and look for more down the road! For now, read on for photos from Aly and the boys.

Photos by Bryan Bruchman.

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