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SXSW Bands: Dan Deacon (Made You Sweat)

On Friday, March 11, 2011, Dan Deacon finally came to Portland, Maine to play a highly-anticipated show at SPACE Gallery. The sold out show was, by all accounts, incredible. Read on, you’ll see.

Dan Deacon is only playing one show during SXSW this year. He said he didn’t want to do it, and waited and waited until someone came along and made an offer he couldn’t refuse, so he’s flying down for one gig. Not bad. The party – Hit The LIghts – is happening on Saturday, March 19th at Cheer Up Charlie’s (1104 E. 6 St, Austin, TX) from 1-8pm. Also on the bill are The Pains of Being Pure At Heart, Diamond Rings, Dirty Beaches, Manhattan Murder Mystery, and more. Sounds like a good way to spend a day in Austin.

Portland, Maine show review and photos below by David Zwickerhill.

Between Girl Talk and Dan Deacon, Portland has had two world class dance parties in the span of two weeks. Last night’s show at the Space opened up with two local acts Glass Fingers [note: check out Brass Cankles’ video of GF doing “Paper Boat” at this show] and Computer at Sea [whose new release is currently HillyTown’s featured album]. The third opener was a duo from Baltimore: Ed Schrader’s Music Beat, which was the only non-electronic act of the evening. The unassuming group made up of just one drum and a bass guitar pounded through their set with what I can only describe as a mix of Jay Reatard energy and Magnetic Fields’ sensibility. When Dan Deacon took to the floor with his table of gadgets he orchestrated the crowd with his trademark crowd participation and Willy Wonkaesque soliloquies that crescendoed into frenzied freak outs. It was a sweaty and satisfying evening.

Read on for a full photo gallery from this show.

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