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Reny’s, Not A Roller Rink, Coming to Congress St.

Ever since the LL Bean on Congress Street in Portland closed, some determined folks have been repeatedly making their wishes to have a roller rink take the spot heard (or read, rather) by posting signs on the window with their request. Unfortunately for them, it looks like Reny’s will be moving in by May to take the spot. Maybe they could open a mini rink in the empty ATM vestibule next to Starbucks instead!

2 comments to Reny’s, Not A Roller Rink, Coming to Congress St.

  • Tom

    finally, a classy establishment on congress street

  • People really had signs requesting a roller rink on the windows? I thought I had an original idea with that one. Anyhow, good for Renys. The mini-rink in the ATM vestibule might work. They had a mini outdoor rink in Congress Square park several years ago I recall.

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