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Slàinte Wine Bar Stays Open, HillyTown Parties There!

Good news for fans of Slàinte Wine Bar! The Bollard reports that the recent debacle involving police sting operations, city council meetings, and rumors of a denied liquor license is all a thing of the past, and in fact turned out to be one big misunderstanding on the city’s part. Whoopsies! Anyway, we say celebrate! Stop by Slàinte this week and give Ian Farnsworth a high five and your business. It’s one of our favorite (and far underestimated) spots around town.

How much do we love Slàinte Wine Bar? So much that the next event is happening there!

HillyTown and Neon Garden present - January 30 @ Slainte Wine BarOn Friday, January 30th, we are teaming up with Neon Garden to present a great show at Slàinte (24 Preble St). The show will feature two Brooklyn-based bands, Lady Magma and Pass Kontrol, alongside Portland’s own top secret ball of awesome, Data Entry. As always the show is FREE and 21+. Poster design and printing by Kris Johnsen (get a look at the printing process at his blog!).

Make sure to check out all of Slàinte’s event, as listed on their Myspace page!

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