It looks like Lambmania really is catching on. Lady Lamb The Beekeeper (aka Aly Spaltro, formerly of Portland, Maine, now floating between NYC, MA, and Maine) has been riding a wave of buzz (I guess we were on to something) and good press in the past year, and this looks like a lot of that anticipation coming to a head. She’s in great company on these shows (especially kicking off the BV showcase that also includes some more of my favorites: Ted Leo and Sharon Van Etten!). She hasn’t been out on a full national tour yet, so this is your first chance to catch her if you’re at SXSW from other parts of the country and looking to see new music.
Lady Lamb The Beekeeper SXSW 2011 Shows:3/16 SXSW Official Showcase: BROOKLYNVEGAN @ SWAN DIVE 8p
3/18 SXSW OFFICIAL DOTCOM DAYSTAGE presented by Consequence of Sound
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