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VENUE To Close After This Weekend

We’re always sad to hear about venues closing – anybody out there with a trust fund want to save Venue American Grille [865 Forest Ave, Portland]?

To our friends and patrons,
Due to situations beyond our control, VENUE will be closed as of Monday, Feb. 28th. After the enthusiasm and high hopes of having investment partners join us at the end of 2010, their sudden departure and withdrawal from their contract leaves us without cash to continue our growing business at this time. We are not in default on our lease or with any other payouts.

We would be pleased to re-open VENUE if we are able to secure a major partner/investor. In the meantime, VENUE will remain closed. If you or any group would like to put together an investment team, we will welcome any and all inquiries. We are of course disappointed and have enjoyed getting to know you all and having you share our dream of the VENUE music concept. We appreciate your support and enthusiasm immensely!

Here’s what they have on tap for their final (for now?) weekend of live music:

Fri. 2/25 9:00 pm Wesley Hartley and The Traveling Trees $5
Sat. 2/26 9:00 pm Eric Green Party $5
Sun. 2/27 12:00 pm John Linscott and The Mainestream Jazzmasters / Sunday Jazz Luncheon Noon to 2:30. No Cover!
Sun. 2/27 5:00 pm KENAPALOOZA, featuring music by David Good and Sly Chi! $35

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