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Recap: Sufjan Stevens @ Merrill Auditorium [4.14.2015]

Sufjan Stevens @ Merrill Auditorium 4.14.15 photo by Hannah Hays

Death is the elephant in the room of our lives. It’s one of the few universal inevitabilities we all face in our world, and yet we pretend it doesn’t exist and choose to ignore its impact until we’re directly faced with it. The thought […]

State Theatre nabs The Decemberists and a game of dream double bills

It’s of course no surprise to anyone reading this that the State Theatre announced another member of the millennial indie rock’s graduating class (Neutral Milk Hotel, Death Cab For Cutie, Interpol et al.) with The Decemberists playing a show on July 29 at the theatre itself.

It’ll be a great show of course (this […]

Sufjan Stevens / Cold Specks – Merrill Auditorium – 04/14/15

Sufjan Stevens is playing at Merrill Auditorium tomorrow, but you already knew that

This is a strange one for me – as I was lucky enough to catch Sufjan Stevens the last time he played in Portland, which was at Port City Music Hall in 2009 (seen in a clip above). It was during that period of dormancy following the immense aura and lore of Sufjan Stevens […]

Sufjan Stevens Show Review

On Saturday, October 3, Sufjan Stevens played to a sold out crowd at Portland’s Port City Music Hall. Review by Jenna Quartararo.

“It’s pretty punk rock up here singing ‘dadada’, ” noted Sufjan Stevens at his sold out show at the Port City Music Hall Saturday night. “They put this barrier up here like you […]

Another First Friday

I’m out of town for the weekend (at the Camden Film Fest) but there are just too many good things happening in Portland this weekend to go without mentioning them. As always, First Friday in Portland comes with a lot of art walking with performances, new exhibits, and all sorts of surprises. Here are a […]