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Titus Andronicus + More Photos [SPACE 3.29.11]

Photos by David Zwickerhill.

There isn’t much more to say about Titus Andronicus – last night at SPACE only further solidified the band as one of my own personal favorite rock acts. The group’s first ever show in Maine (and drummer Eric’s birthday!) drew a strong crowd (especially for a Tuesday night). Brenda kicked […]

Titus Andronicus (the band)

Death By Audio – Brooklyn, NY (January 2008)

With all the recent theater productions happening at SPACE Gallery, it’s possible to get confused when you see Titus Andronicus on the schedule. Tonight will in fact be the punk band from Glen Rock, NJ, not the play by Shakespeare. Got it? Great.

Titus Andronicus / Brenda / Dinowalrus