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Unrelated Musical Things

So long, North Star. Portland loved you too.

They need to have the place cleared out by this Friday (9/24) so there will be cleaning parties every night at 6pm beginning on Tuesday. Stop by and help out if you can!

There’s a new installment in Pitchfork’s POV Concert Series (you can pick […]

Spose and [dog] and [pony] Team Up

In what might seem like an unlikely pairing, Portland’s music video masters [dog] and [pony] have teamed up with Wells’ premier rapper, Spose (Universal Records), to produce a video for “The Cask” which also works as a promo video for his upcoming album, The Audacity!, due out later this year. Check it out below:


New Planets Around the Sun Video

HillyTown exclusive! New video from Portland psych-drone collective Planets Around The Sun (directed by the band’s own M. Lajoie). The song is “Sunshooter” off their upcoming album Ram Of Heart Check it out:

See the band live next weekend on Saturday, 8/27, at the Frontier Cafe in Brunswick, ME in conjunction with a screening […]

Portland Music In Video Jams

Three new things to watch and listen to this sunny Friday, all Portland music-related!

Kurt Baker – “Hanging On The Telephone”

Check out the behind the scenes video from the making of the above music video here. This was shot at SPACE Gallery, where Kurt will celebrate the release of Got It Covered tonight! […]