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SXSW Music: Oberhofer

I’m still catching up on the photos of all the bands I saw at SXSW. Here’s another one!

Band: Oberhofer / Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Show: Brooklyn Vegan day party / Venue: Barbarella / Date: 3/18

Led by young Brad Oberhofer (a college student at NYU, from Tacoma, WA), the energy and excitement of this bunch of 19/20 year olds is apparent in their music, both on record and live. Don’t be fooled by the presence of a glockenspiel, this band is much more frantic art-punk than twee cuteness. Onstage, every song explodes with a shuffling of feet and flailing of instruments, adding to the jubilation of the players (just imagine yourself in college, touring with a well-received band, and getting to play your music, you’d smile this much too). They haven’t been through Maine yet, but they certainly should come by. This would make great summer music (perhaps paired with a local like Theodore Treehouse). Check out the band’s song “Away Frm U” at P4k and read on for the photo gallery below!

All photos by Bryan Bruchman

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