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Picnic Music Lineup Announced

Our friends at the Picnic Music + Arts Festival are gearing up for their 3rd Annual event, happening exactly one month from today on August 28!

Last year was a little wet at times.

Last year was a little wet at times.

If you’ve been keeping up, you’re probably already excited about the extensive list of great local vendors and artists, or perhaps the prospect of snacking on tasty goods from Skinny Cart BBQ and Verbena Cafe, but now there’s even more reason to get psyched: the music lineup has just been announced! Foam Castles (who we profiled 2 months ago played our OFFStage @SPACE show last night) kick it off bright and early. Some more OFFStage alums (Same Basic Bear, Domino Harvey, Phantom Buffalo) will also be getting in on the outdoor action.

11:00 Foam Castles
11:45 aLEX kEATON
12:30 Wood Burning Cat
1:15 if and it
2:00 Same Basic Bear
2:45 Thick Shakes (Boston)
3:30 ShellShag
4:15 Domino Harvey
5:00 Phantom Buffalo

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