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SXSW Music: Esben and The Witch

Hello from Austin, Texas! The SXSW Music Festival is fully under way, and it’s already a bit overwhelming. I’ll be posting galleries of bands I caught (some, like this, will just be one band, others will be a mix of acts I saw) with special attention paid to bands from or connected to Maine, those who’ve toured through Portland recently, and those that I’d really like to see come through! Keep checking back throughout the week.

Band: Esben and the Witch / Hometown: Brighton, England
Show: M for Mikey showcase + Austin BFFs Day Party / Venue: Spill + Lipstick 24 / Date: 3/15+3/16

Another instant favorite for me, again with a lot of volume and shoegaze tendencies, this Matador Records trio does things a bit more on the damaged surf noise side of things (like Liars) – in fact you might even say they’re a bit… goth. Going into the first of these two shows, I kept expectations low, especially since they have a lot of programmed drum tracks and only one drum and cymbal live, which often has a hard time translating well for a great performance. EATW made great use of what they did have, and brought the show out into the crowd at the Tuesday night showcase. Again, I’d love to see this band come through Maine on their next US tour. Check out their video then read on for the photo gallery!

All photos by Bryan Bruchman.

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