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Jakob Battick Releases Bloodworm Songs Friday

This Friday, Jakob Battick & Friends will play their last show for the next 6 months (doesn’t this sound familiar?) as they celebrate the release of their new EP, Bloodworm Songs.

Check out the final packaged version of the album below:

A while back we shared the group’s video for “Three Orphans,” from this upcoming release.

Beginning on Friday, the full album will be available for streaming and purchase at Bandcamp (and from below).

In addition to the new EP, you’ll also get live recordings of their performance at The Oak + The Ax on January 29. Check out the video below for a sneak peak (visually) at that one.

This happens to fall on the same night as Dan Deacon at SPACE, but I highly recommend running back and forth to both to maximize the awesomeness of your evening.

1 comment to Jakob Battick Releases Bloodworm Songs Friday

  • Yes, this show will start right at 9, so you’ll have plenty of time to catch Dan Deacon. Jakob Battick & Friends are on first. After that you have the choice of going to SPACE for gadget and electronic induced weirdness courtesy of Computer at Sea or staying at Slainte for the warpaint and weapon induced weirdness of Panda Bandits. Either way, you won’t miss Dan Deacon – nor should you.

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