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Flaming Lips Took Over the State [10.24.11]

There’s no denying it, the Flaming Lips put on one of the best shows out there, and this week they brought it back to Portland for a long-awaited return to the State Theatre. Were you there? What’d you think of the openers, Talkdemonic and Kurt Vile & the Violators? Have you gotten all that […]

The Flaming Lips / Kurt Vile and the Violators

Nateva Photos Preview

It’ll take at least a day or two to get everything together for the full writeup on Nateva Festival, but for now I put a few of my photos up for you to check out. Click the nice man with the megaphone to see them, and check back this week for much more!


Nateva Festival: Flaming Lips / Derek Trucks & Susan Tedeschi Band

Nateva Festival Announces Flaming Lips

This 4th Of July weekend will bring a new festival to Maine. the Nateva Music & Camping Festival will take place in Oxford, Maine on July 2,3,and 4th. The event, sponsored by Port City Music Hall, has tickets on sale now, but what exactly do you get for your (currently lowest price) $159? Only one […]

Christmas On Mars: A Fantastical Film Freakout Featuring the Flaming Lips