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Girl Talk Did It Again: Photo recap [8.16.12]

Can we just make this happen once a month or so? Girl Talk has come to Portland a couple times now, and it’s a reliably fun, sweaty, ridiculous affair of a party. Read on for photos from the latest visit, shot by Tom Couture.


Girl Talk – The State Theatre – 08/16/12

Girl Walk // All Day Coming To SPACE

Remember exactly a year ago when Girl Talk played the State and we all went and lost our minds in a pool of sweaty dancing? Well, the mashup mastermind sure has inspired a lot of movement, including a film featuring three improvisational dancers on an adventure through New York City that’s been getting a ton […]

Girl Talk Transcended Monday Night

Last night (Monday, February 28, 2011) at the State Theatre, Girl Talk turned the sold out crowd into a hot, sweaty mess where everyone – as requested – did their best to forget the fact that it was Monday night, and they should probably be doing homework, sleeping, or whatever – anything but dancing […]

Girl Talk Is Here

Here’s a little taste of what the sold out crowd at the State Theatre is in for tonight with Girl Talk…

Read this NYT interview with Gregg Gillis (aka Girl Talk) where he talks about his double life, technology, and the fine art of bootlegging and remixing (and why it works). Things get started in […]

Girl Talk / Max Tundra / Junk Culture

Girl Talk