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Pearl And the Beard / Sontiago / Dilly Dilly / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

The Daredevil Christopher Wright / The Opposite Of A Train

Dan Blakeslee / The Accident That Led Me To The World / Cahalen Morrison

Brad Hoshaw & The Seven Deadlies

Arborea / Silver Summit / White Lodge

Louis Ledford / Brooke Brown Seracino

Run On Sentence / Computer At Sea / Octopus + Spider

Lonesome Lake / Redwing Blackbird / Tell Stories

This Frontier Needs Heroes / The Plains / Chris Teret

Angela Easterling / Jeff and Benares / Tin Ceilings

South China / Laura Gibson / Musee Mecanique

Annie & The Beekeepers / The Scandinavian Half-Breeds / Garth Stevenson

South China / Sontiago / David Wax Museum / Vikesh Kapoor