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BUOY Is Pretty Much Magic

What, is the title a little too much? But it’s true! Billed on the Facebook event as “HOMETOWN FAVS & LOVES AFAR|||SOUNDS oF LIMITLESS GENEROSITY,” it seemed likely that there’d be warm and fuzzy feelings at Kittery’s BUOY Gallery for last night’s show, which included hometown favorite Nat Baldwin (of Dirty Projectors), Brooklyn sax […]

Len Lashley / Geoff Useless

Nat Baldwin / Kurt Weisman / Travis Laplante

MJ-XII / Bird Names

The Octagon (NY) / Thuvemth of Them (MFs)

Ecco Fatto / Hospice For The 300

Tiny Fires / Ashcan Orchestra / PC Worship

Tune-Yards / Kurt Weisman / Happy Birthday

Cursillistas / Tempera / White Light

Chriss Sutherland / The Boy Who Spoke Clouds / The Milling Gowns

Zs / Seacoast Composer’s Forum feat. Matt Langley / Sean Reardon + Peter Mitchell James

Oliver Z. Wanderkook

Unique States #4: Crank Sturgeon / Marc McNulty / Michael Chinen

Unnatural Witch / Time War / DJ Wang Williams

Sam Buck Rosen