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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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Mates Of State / Oh Land

Lady Daisey / Lady Zen

Dirty Dishwater: Everything and the Kitchen Sink

Taylor Ho Bynum

Vanessa Torres / Denise Dill

Vanessa Torres / Denise Dill

Mark Mandeville / Sassafras Stomp

The Pleasants / Momentary Prophets

Vanessa Torres / Wil Gibson / Sean McGovern Waite

Baltimore Annex Theater

Dementia Five (debut show) / Apocryphonic / Inner Sanctum

Run On Sentence / special guest

Movies To Watch, Art To See.

It’s First Friday in Portland again! Lots of fun happening around town to be enjoyed. Let’s start with two unique movie experiences:

1. The Apohadion hosts the Portland premier of Harmony Korine’s weirdo film, Trash Humpers. That’s $6, starts at 8:30pm, 107 Hanover Street in Bayside.

2. Rogues Gallery gets in on the film screening […]

Kate & The Rocket

Darien Brahms / Brenda