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AFRAID kicks off East Coast Tour to support debut LP




Honesty time — we’re huge fans of (nearly) everything that comes out of Jakob Battick’s mind (some of the later Jakob Battick and Friends albums still seem a bit too down still). And the AFRAID trio of Ryan Cutler, James Marcel and Battick isn’t any different with their upcoming release Sinister Vibes.

So yes. We are a little excited about AFRAID’s debut full-length debut, which will be released via West Virginia Independent record label Crash Symbols, next week on the 24th – order it here. We’ve heard the album and it’s a huge step forward, with special love for “Hometown Strangler” and it’s doom-bass groove.

It’s explicitly everything you wanted from AFRAID and you’re getting it — including a saxophone solo — so give it a listen next week when you’re awake at 3 A.M.

In addition to releasing Sinister Vibes, AFRAID will be going up-and-down the East Coast on their Sinister Vibes tour, starting tonight at SPACE with Italy’s Father Murphy and the metal specter of Portland’s Falls of Rauros. Check out the venue’s interview with them here.

The following dates have been announced for the tour — with more likely to be added  — according to the tour’s Facebook page, e-mail them at to get them to get them to a town/city/Unorganized Territory near you. We’re really hoping they play at least few late night to sunrise Yurt shows.


Tickets are still available for tonight’s show online and at the door — with doors opening at 7:30 P.M.

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