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The Body / Clean / AFRAID / Mugwort – SPACE Gallery – 05/22/15

Friday Roundup: RVIVR, Action Bronson, AFRAID and First Friday

Lady Lamb performing at Port City last month, openers Cuddle Magic will take the stage at SPACE next week. PHOTO: HillyTown/Andrew Foster

It’s true — I’m not Dylan Martin, your usual HillyTown weekly Friday rounder-uper. Dylan is currently working on a more involved story for HillyTown that will be up next week (or so […]

Friday Roundup: Blue is back, Mouth Washington, HI-DEF VIDZ and more

Spencer Albee and Walter Craven of 6gig in a recent video by Knack Factory.

Spencer Albee and Walter Craven of 6gig in a HI-DEF VID by Knack Factory.

I’m writing this roundup from my grown-up desk at my grown-up job, but I will assure you all that it’s just a facade. The true and only reason I have a job is so I can take an hour out […]

Father Murphy / Falls of Rauros / Afraid – SPACE Gallery – 03/17/15

AFRAID kicks off East Coast Tour to support debut LP



Honesty time — we’re huge fans of (nearly) everything that comes out of Jakob Battick’s mind (some of the later Jakob Battick and Friends albums still seem a bit too down still). And the AFRAID trio of Ryan Cutler, James Marcel and Battick isn’t any different with their upcoming […]

Interview: Jakob Battick / Afraid

It’s been some time since we last heard anything from the usually prolific Jakob Battick. His last public performance was back in June, performing at Red Medicine’s farewell show with post-punk hybrid Captain Hollow (who have yet to release their long-delayed debut). And aside from a few odds-and-ends releases including a ghostly Primal Scream […]