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CMJ Is Here! Day Party Update!

The CMJ Music Marathon & Film Festival in New York City is finally here. There’s been a lot of work leading up to this week, and now it’s time to make it all happen. This Friday, we’re throwing the first ever HillyTown Presents event outside of Portland – at The Rock Shop in Brooklyn. You may notice some slight changes to the flyer above – most notably, Shipyard has kindly joined as a sponsor and will be providing some delicious beer for the bands and fans. Details on that (specials, etc) as well as what to expect from Luke’s Lobster – who will also be on hand with their tasty goods – in the coming days. We’ll also have copies of the latest issue of Maine Mag and SPACE Gallery‘s Treble Treble Volume 1 on hand for you. All the more reasons to come out to the show! If you are heading to NYC for the week, this would be a good time to start following our twitter account.

Psst. As of right now, there are 17 hours left to participate in our Kickstarter campaign (which also helps with the bands’ expenses and extra promotion happening this week for the Official Showcase at Trash Bar on Saturday as well) – we’re still working on getting that last $400+ to put us over the top and bring in that cash to help fund all of this!

PS. Don’t forget – The Hold Steady is at Port City Music Hall with Marie Stella (the band I play in, which will be playing the CMJ Showcase) opening tonight! Doors open at 8pm!

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