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Free Range Festival Ticket Contest!

Before I even get to this, congrats to Nick F. who won a pair of tickets to the next 4 HillyTown Presents shows (the prize was given away at our One Longfellow Square show on Saturday).

Moving right along to the next one, we have a pair of tickets to the Belfast Free Range Music Festival happening this Saturday, April 30 at various venues in Belfast, Maine. We’ve already told you about the afterparty we’re throwing with Mango Floss and Vistas and gave you a free sampler of bands playing the festival, and now is your chance to make sure that you’re there to enjoy it all.

To enter, just send an email with your name to with the subject “Free Range!” The contest ends at 5pm on Tuesday (April 26) and a winner will be contacted that evening. Thanks and good luck!

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