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Free Range Festival Ticket Contest!

Before I even get to this, congrats to Nick F. who won a pair of tickets to the next 4 HillyTown Presents shows (the prize was given away at our One Longfellow Square show on Saturday).

Moving right along to the next one, we have a pair of tickets to the Belfast Free Range […]

Cyborg Trio Giveaway

Fans of live electronica jam/dance music (yeah, I know you’re out there), check this out! Locals Cyborg Trio are running a giveaway contest (prizes outlined above) that should make any fan happy. Go here to enter.

KahBang Contest Is Over

Congrats to our winners, Patrick and Danial! Look for your notifications soon!

Everybody else, you can still purchase early bird tickets for the festival here!

Win KahBang Tickets!

We had a lot of fun at the first annual KahBang Festival in Bangor, Maine last year. Now, with their second year, it’s looking like what was already off to a strong start is going to be much, much bigger this time around – all from August 6-14th. Great national acts such as OK […]

Last Chance for KahBang! Tickets!

Remember the contest I’m running? Yup, the one where you can win two passes to the KahBang Fest in Bangor this Saturday just by emailing me! Go look at the pretty picture of The Gay Blades and follow the directions to email me and then at exactly 1:30pm today I will randomly select one winner […]