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HillyTown OFFStage at SPACE Part 2 (Tomorrow!) + Stuff Tonight

Last week was incredible , starting with the loudest, most intense band possible (Haru Bangs) was absolutely the right idea. See for yourself in a couple weeks when [dog] and [pony] debut the first episodes of their HillyTown Presents concert video series.

In the meantime, let’s keep things moving with the shows. Round 2 of HillyTown OFFStage is tomorrow! 7pm, free, all ages, with free pizza (in very limited supply) so get there early. Check out the poster!

HillyTown OFFStage @ SPACE Aug. 12, 2009 - poster by Kris Johnsen / Emblem Studio

This poster was very generously designed and printed by Kris Johnsen / Emblem Studio.

Tomorrow’s show will start with Jesse Pilgrim (fun fact: Derek Gierhan, drummer for Haru Bangs, returns to OFFStage this week to keep the beat for Jesse! – get a cool video preview courtesy the kind gents at [d]&[p]), followed by Dan Wholey of Boston collective Earth People Orchestra (and friends), and headlining are Panda Bandits. Who, you ask? Well, last time they appeared onstage in Portland (at SPACE, for Johnny Cash Night), they looked like this. I’ve heard they have some surprises in store for tomorrow.

Read on for tonight…

retroskate-81109Looking to get out tonight? Head out to Happy Wheels (331 Warren Ave), where Rollerskatie is hosting a Retro Skate Night from 7:30-10:30pm. Yes, that lovely poster is yet another Emblem Studio creation. Dude’s on a roll.

If you’re really daring, you could even head out for a few times around the rink before making it back into town to catch Starlight Mints (openers Evangelicals are also a must-see) at SPACE! Local Beatles-esque popsters Dominic & The Lucid warm things up on that one. On the earlier side of the evening, there’s also a free concert in the park and the always-wonderful and beery Greendrinks (at Empire from 5-8).

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