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OFFStage #3 Recap. See You Next Year?

Tuesday, July 27 was the third and final concert in my free, all ages early Tuesday evening summer concert series, OFFStage @SPACE Gallery, celebrating the 2nd year of this site.

Foam Castles

Thanks to the bands (Foam Castles, Old Man Forest, and Charles Burst played this one, see here and here for recaps […]

OFFStage #1 Recap, #2 Tonight!

The second year of the HillyTown OFFStage @SPACE concert series is in full swing. We started the all ages, early Tuesday evening, suggested donation concerts last week with Domino Harvey (formely known as Lapsed Axis), Same Basic Bear, and Miniboone. Thanks to the bands, everybody who came to the show (especially those who donated to […]

Miniboone On WMPG Today, At OFFStage Tonight

In preparation for their featured performance at tonight’s HillyTown OFFStage @SPACE show, NYC’s Miniboone will be stoppying by WMPG on their way into Portland. They’ll be playing live on the air and talking to DJ Roy of Liberation By Sound in the first part of his show, from 3pm-5pm. Tune […]

HillyTown Presents: OFFStage @SPACE #3 – Charles Burst / Old Man Forest / Foam Castles

HillyTown Presents: OFFStage @SPACE #2 – Balthrop, Alabama / Doomstar! / Good Kids Sprouting Horns

HillyTown Presents: OFFStage @SPACE #1 – Miniboone / Domino Harvey / Same Basic Bear

OFFStage Is Done. Thanks!

It’s been a long, fun month for HillyTown. Thanks to all the bands who played the OFFStage free concert series at SPACE Gallery, Otto for the pizza deals, the artists who designed posters, Allen West for doing sound for pizza and cranberry juice, everybody who volunteered at the events, and everybody who came out […]

Final OFFStage At SPACE Show Tomorrow!

The past three Wednesdays have been a lot of fun, as each week three bands have played free shows on the floor at SPACE Gallery. Thanks so much to all the bands who’ve participated in this experiment, and everybody who has been coming out each week to enjoy the shows! Tomorrow sees the finale […]

HillyTown OFFStage at SPACE Part 3 Tonight!

As we get into the third installment of the our month-long Wednesday night free, all ages concert series, OFFStage @ SPACE, we reach a very special one. This show’s headliners are calling themselves Phantom Computers (and as you can see in Annie Godfrey Larmon‘s poster for the event, a Buffalo At Sea provides the […]

HillyTown OFFStage at SPACE Part 2 (Tomorrow!) + Stuff Tonight

Last week was incredible , starting with the loudest, most intense band possible (Haru Bangs) was absolutely the right idea. See for yourself in a couple weeks when [dog] and [pony] debut the first episodes of their HillyTown Presents concert video series.

In the meantime, let’s keep things moving with the shows. Round 2 of […]

HillyTown OFFStage at SPACE starts Wednesday!

In celebration of’s first year, I’ve put together a free, all ages, Wednesday night concert series for the month of August at SPACE Gallery. Tomorrow kicks things off with Haru Bangs, Theodore Treehouse (formerly/members of The Cups), and the debut performance from Boxy (members of Brenda, Graeme K).

Tune in to Liberation By Sound […]

HillyTown Presents: Panda Bandits + Dan Wholey (Earth People Orchestra) [Boston, MA] + Jesse Pilgrim

HillyTown Presents: Boxy + Theodore Treehouse + Haru Bangs