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HillyTown Presented: 4.15.09

Mary Halvorson & Jessica Pavone @ Slainte - Portland, ME - photo by Bryan Bruchman for

I have to say, I love putting on shows at Slainte Wine Bar. It’s a pretty unassuming little room, but you can do great things there. Audiences love that shows are free, the food is good (and it was half-price on this occasion!), and the atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable for the performers. While there may not be a top-of-the-line sound system with monitors, the room is small enough that the sound can be managed pretty easily with a little effort. In the end, it’s very much worth it, to have a great show in such an intimate space.

This was definitely the case on our show this Wednesday, which featured two of my own personal favorite local bands: White Light and South China (whose two members have now joined White Light as well, on most occasions). As if that wasn’t enough, the incredible Brooklyn-based experimental folk/jazz duo of Mary Halvorson & Jessica Pavone brought an onslaught of great sounds from their guitar, viola, and voices. They’ll be down at BUOY in Kittery tonight, and I highly recommend checking them out if you missed this show.

Check out all the photos from this show in the gallery here.

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