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Roundupish, Another Soggy First Friday (April 25-May 1)


Two of the best shows I’ve seen in a while here in Portland were hip-hop shows this week. Both were also sorely under attended. Granted, they happened mid-week, but that’s no excuse. The locals (DJ Mayonnaise, Brzowski, Moshe) all brought top-notch performances, and the touring acts they were supporting were just unbelievable. As Boyfriends, Inc., Astronautalis and Bleubird are an unstoppable two-headed beast full of purposefully not-quite-right pop culture cracks and kitty lovin’ crammed into tongue-twisting blasts of complex lyrics. It can be hard to tell if they’re doing a standup act or a concert, though when the beats start there’s no doubt that they’re at the top of their game. Similarly, Th’ Mole injected a lot of humor and all-around awesomeness into his last minute set at SPACE the other night, thrown on the “Our Accents Sure Are Pretty” show unannounced.


The Wilco presale happened and there are rumors that the remaining tickets are few and far between. We’ll find out in about an hour when they go on sale for reals.

Happy Birthday Dilly Dilly! Somebody should give her a record deal as a gift. Her new record is super tasty and you can make like a bazillion dollars if you put it out, honest. She’ll be singing from the Tower Of Song tonight along with Sontiago.

Being First Friday, of course it’s gray and wet out. Hopefully it’ll clear up. Keep an eye (and ear) out for a thunderous truck roving through town while you’re sippin’ yr wine and nibblin’ on cheese. The big show tonight is at Port City Music Hall, as Sweden’s The Sounds drop in to remind us that while we may enjoy that new YYY’s record, it’s sorta been done before, and with a comparable (maybe even more notoriously naughty these days) frontwoman. If you miss them this time around, you might have to settle for their opening slot on the upcoming No Doubt tour.

It’s time to vote for the Buy Local Indie Biz Awards!

1 comment to Roundupish, Another Soggy First Friday (April 25-May 1)

  • Include me in the list of people to admonish for not coming out. Sounds like great shows that needed supporting. My excuse: taking care o’ the baby. I know, I know…piss poor excuses.

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