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New FREE Foam Castles EP

I momentarily blew the lid on this one yesterday, before I realized that the band was trying to keep it secret (but like I told front man Tyler Jackson – “If it’s on the internet, people can find it”), but now you can officially stream, download, and generally get down with a brand new Foam Castles EP (with cover art by drummer D.J. Moore). The four song album (for those keeping track, this is the fourth release, after three full lengths), Come Over To My House, provides a glimpse at the latest shifting direction of this constantly morphing band. If you recall, FC was originally a solo project, but live it has been a constantly evolving endeavor, featuring members of local bands such as Brenda, Metal Feathers, and (the latest addition) Over A Cardboard Sea.

Foam Castles - photo by David Zwickerhill

Foam Castles - photo by David Zwickerhill

You’ll likely recognize the first track, as it’s a further fleshed-out version of “Horticulture Friends,” which originally appeared on the HillyTown-curated Treble Treble Volume 2 comp. The template is set here, borrowing a bit from the likes of Beck, Gorillaz, and perhaps Animal Collective (or to take it even further, the entire chillwave genre that happened recently) in poppier/dancier moments – coming a long way from the project’s beginnings as a scrappy bedroom pop happening. Ultimately, these could work just fine played solo by Jackson with backing tracks/loops, but the choice to play everything live transforms them on the stage in a different way every time. Listen to the EP below.

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