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AZITA (Drag City)

MANNERS / Hersey State / Jason Nichols

Worried Well / Pinsky / Builder of the House

Nuclear Boots / The Outfits / The Rattlesnakes

Nat Baldwin / Kurt Weisman / Phantom Buffalo

Wesley Hartley + more

Screening and a band: Arborea vs. The Family Jams

Cloud Becomes Your Hand / Glass Fingers / Jeshua Emmanuel

Ancestral Diet / Skoal Kodiak / Taboo / Hyena

Audrey Ryan / Guy Capecelatro III

The VODODEEYOS / Tik Tok Laboratories

The Oak and the Ax 1 Year Anniversary: MMOSS / Herbcraft / Plains

Screening and a band: Butcher Boy vs. The Shining

Putnam Smith / Travis Cyr / Miss Tess and the Bon Ton Parade

Barn Owl (Thrill Jockey Records) / Herbcraft